Seagrass Movie 2023
"Seagrass" is a Canadian drama film directed by Meredith Hama-Brown. The film tells the story of a Japanese-Canadian woman named Judith who grapples with the death of her mother while bringing her family to a retreat. As her relationship with her husband, Steve, begins to affect the emotional security of their children, the family undergoes significant changes) [[3]].
The film stars Ally Maki as Judith and Luke Roberts as Steve. It explores themes of marriage, grief, and the complexities of family dynamics. "Seagrass" is set in the mid-1990s and takes place on a remote island, providing a visually stunning backdrop for the story.
"Seagrass" premiered in the Discovery program at the 2023 Toronto International Film Festival and also screened at the 2023 Cinfest Sudbury. It received positive reviews for its raw and emotional portrayal of marriage and family. The film was praised for its cinematography, which juxtaposes the natural beauty of British Columbia's Gabriola Island with an eerie sensibility, creating a unique atmosphere).
While there are no featured audience reviews available at this time, "Seagrass" has been recognized as one of TIFF's annual Canada's Top Ten films for 2023.
As of the current information available, "Seagrass" does not appear to be widely available for streaming. However, it may be possible to rent or purchase the film on platforms such as Prime Video, Vudu, and Apple TV.
Please note that the information provided is based on search results and may be subject to change.
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Seagrass 2023 Movie
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